Chinese Olympic Committee representatives drew inspiration for Olympic festivals organising
The Olympic festivals project originated in the Czech Republic in a form of Olympic Park Sochi-Letná in 2014 and it is now being spread around the world by the International Olympic Committee. It has drawn the attention also in the country that will organise the Winter Olympic Games in 2022. The marketing department representatives of the Chinese Olympic Committee came to draw inspiration from their Czech colleagues.
Li Xiaocui, Director of Marketing Division, together with Xi Ping, Deputy Director of Olympic Support Division, and their colleagues Zhang Yan, Deputy Director of Marketing Division, and Wang Shijun from the Marketing department came to Prague directly from IOC Marketing Seminar in Rome. The Olympic festivals were one of the topics of the seminar and the Chinese Olympic Committee seriously considers organising an Olympic Festival during the time of the upcoming Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020.
The Chinese officials met their Czech counterparts – Petr Graclík, Secretary General of the Czech NOC, Naďa Černá, Olympic Festivals Project manager, and their colleagues from marketing and partner activations, production, sporting programme and communication. They thoroughly discussed the details of these project sections including the resource management, sustainability and evaluation. In the past the representatives of the Slovak Olympic Committee got familiarized with the details of Olympic Festivals organising during a similar meeting.